By James Whittington, Monday 29th February 2016

The hard-working and tenacious officers often go undercover to track down criminals who dump thousands of tons of rubbish on our city streets and country lanes. Investigators call on police back-up for elaborate sting operations, and scan through hours of surveillance footage. More than 3,000 fly-tipping incidents happen each day, costing tax payers £55 million a year to clear up.
In episode 1 enforcement officers in north-west London set up an elaborate sting operation to catch a car-scrapper who has fly-posted illegally, right across the borough.
Plus, one Bristolian’s outrageous fifteen-year fly-tipping spree comes to an abrupt end, when a local resident catches him in the act on camera. The scoundrel was jailed for two-and-a-half years.
Get down and dirty with with the Filthy Rotten Scoundrels March 14th at 12.15pm and 7.20pm.