Criminal Cases And Cheating Partners - September On CBS Reality.
By James Whittington, Sunday 31st August 2014

cheaters_clarkThis month on CBS Reality, Crimes Stories takes on brutal and shocking criminal cases to discover the truth behind the speculation and global headlines.

This captivating series takes you on an investigative journey through the eyes and minds of those closest to the line of inquiry.

Later in the month, Clark Gable III (pictured) and his team of private detectives return with a new series of Cheaters to catch unfortunate love-rats in the act. The sparks are set to fly, as well as the fists and expletives!

Here's everything you need to know:

Crime Stories - Season 10
Weeknights at 9:50pm and 2:35am from 1st to 12th September, repeated weekends at 9:00pm

This investigative series takes viewers behind the crime scenes with those who record the inquiries up, close, and personal - on film, on paper, and on tape. Police Officers, the family and friends of the victims, defence lawyers and prosecutors share their recollections of the crimes and their consequences. These first-hand accounts, coupled with dramatic re-enactments, news footage, clippings and photographs, paint a comprehensive picture of the grim truth. Season 10 sees chilling tales of serial killers, copycat killers, and homicidal school dropouts.

Cheaters - Season 14
Weeknights at 9pm and 1:40am from 22nd September continuing into next month, repeated weekends at 11:30pm

Presented by Clark Gable III, great-grandson of the legendary late star of Gone with the Wind, Cheaters proves there’s nowhere to hide for the deceitful and blasé partners of suspicious wives, husbands, boyfriends and girlfriends across the United States.

The team of Cheaters private detectives, armed with their secret surveillance cameras, catch all of the jaw-dropping, bed-hopping antics on tape before revealing it to their client: the scorned other half. Not even the husband making more than art with nude models, or the yoga teacher wife getting overly flexible with students can deny the evidence this series. Let the scandalous love triangles commence!

Close Calls: On Camera
Monday 24 March
Horror Homes
Monday 24 March
Judge Judy
Monday 24 March