By Dave Macleod, Thursday 2nd March 2023
Season 21
Channel Premiere
Weekday Triple Bills at 10:35 and 18:55
With her outspoken style, hard-hitting decisiveness and engaging wit, Judge Judith Sheindlin single-handedly reinvented the courtroom genre and in the process has become a pop culture icon. A former New York family court judge known for her ability to cut through a dispute and get to the core of the emotional issue at hand, Judge Judy acts as a true moral compass for people seeking guidance, resolution and common sense in their lives. Judge Judy’s goal is to make a lasting impression that will discourage repeat offenders and help heal families and victims of injustice. There are many imitators, but only one Judge Judy!
In the first episode of Season 21, a man claims he was falsely arrested after towing company owners made outrageous accusations to the police. Also, a woman opens her home to a friend in need only to discover he is allegedly scamming her with bad cheques.