Six Unmissable Premieres This November On CBS Reality
By James Whittington, Wednesday 29th October 2014

s At 25 (2)CBS Reality has six premiering specials at weekends this November which explore the most shocking and poignant real-life stories.

Titles include The Man Who Lost Himself, The Man Whose Arms Exploded, World’s Strongest Toddler, 21 Year Old Baby, Parkinson’s At 25 (pictured) and Baby ER.

Here's all the information you need:

The Man Who Lost Himself
Saturday 15th November at 6:50am, 12:40pm and 6:30pm

Patrick Savidge was the perfect dad to his 10 children before a near fatal car crash left him hospitalised and in a coma. Although Patrick has now made a total physical recovery, his relationship with his family has completely changed. He remembers little of his life before his accident and feels no love towards the children he previously doted on. Patrick’s wife and children feel heart-broken and confused. Patrick still looks like the same man, but spends most of the time alone and refuses to engage with his family. This film charts an explosive and emotional journey as Patrick embarks on an intensive and ground-breaking course of therapy to become a dad again. Can he rebuild his relationships? And does everyone want the old Patrick back?

The Man Whose Arms Exploded
Sunday 16th November at 6:50am, 12:40pm and 6:30pm

Gregg Valentino wanted to be special....to really stand out in a crowd. His dream was to become the man with the world's biggest arms. At his peak Gregg's biceps measured a massive 28-inches in diameter, but at what cost? To achieve his dream, Gregg had become his own doctor and pharmacist, concocting ever-increasing variations of drugs to enhance his size. When dirty needles infected his bicep, the consequences were explosive and Gregg was forced to become his own surgeon. His story is our way into the world of extreme bodybuilding and the price people are prepared to pay - both financially and physically - to reach the top. This film examines the darker reality of the world of the extreme bodybuilder and the limits men are prepared to push themselves to in order to be 'the best'.

World's Strongest Toddler
Saturday 22nd November at 6:50am, 12:40pm and 6:30pm

Three-year-old American toddler, Liam Hoekstra, was standing at one day old and climbing up the stairs at just six months. He has a genetic condition so rare that there is only one other documented case in the whole world. Liam has 40% more muscle mass than the average child. Since birth he has had defined muscles, minimum body fat and displayed incredible strength. As a toddler he lifts weights and completes exercises that amaze his peers, parents and doctors. In this film, Liam’s parents reveal their dreams of him becoming an American football star and talk about their fears of him facing unfair criticism due to sporting advantage. But their biggest hope is that if scientists can understand more about Liam’s condition, they will unlock the secrets of crippling muscle wasting diseases such as muscular dystrophy.

21 Year Old Baby
Sunday 23rd November at 6:50am, 12:40pm and 6:30pm

This is the extraordinary tale of real life Peter Pan girl, Tanya Donaldson. Believed to be born with a genetic disorder so rare that doctors think no other case in the world exists, Tanya’s condition leaves her forever trapped in the mind and body of a baby. At 21 years old she is still in nappies, drinks from a baby-cup and wears the clothes of a 4 year-old child. This film tells the heartrending story of a mother’s quest to find answers for her child. Can today’s top medical brains finally unravel the secret of Tanya’s mysterious condition? And, after 21 years of searching, will Carol Donaldson discover that someone else has the same disorder as her daughter?

Parkinsons At 25
Saturday 29th November at 6:50am, 12:40pm and 6:30pm

25 year-old Michael has a secret. Since he was 18 he has hidden it from his family, friends and even himself. But as it takes over his body, he must face his greatest fear for the first time. Michael is one of the youngest people in the world to be diagnosed with Parkinson's disease – a disease which causes uncontrollable shaking, destroys the ability to speak, walk and even use your hands. Parkinson’s At 25 follows Michael's very personal journey to discover what his future with Parkinson's will hold, and his struggle to fight the OAP's disease taking over his body.

Baby ER
Sunday 30th November at 6:50am, 12:40pm and 6:30pm

There can be few sights which tug harder at the heart strings than that of a tiny baby desperately clinging to life. The vulnerability of the desperately sick new born baby; the quite extraordinary levels of skill and care of the medical staff, and the agony of the parents as they watch, wait and hope – it all makes for the kind of real life drama that even fiction fails to match. From a baby brought back to life after failing to breathe for 22 minutes after birth; to a baby operated on to unblock a windpipe as it was being born; and a three week old baby fitted with a pacemaker to correct a heart defect. The many advances in medical science are a source of wonder. That sense of wonder has an added emotional impact when it’s applied to saving such tiny lives. Baby ER is an observational documentary in style, set in a range of Special Care Baby Units and Neo-Natal Intensive Care Units across England.

Cult Justice
Saturday 22 March
Call the Bailiffs
Saturday 22 March
Bodycam Cops
Thursday 20 March