Effective Date: 25/05/2018


Zonemedia Management Limited (registered in England and Wales as Company Number 03290575), (referred to here as "we," "us" or "our") owns and operates this website (the "Site"). We are committed to provide our users with an exciting forum and community to communicate with each other, share ideas and comments and upload User Content. However, we want all our users to feel safe and secure whilst using our Site. These Community Guidelines set out the rules and code of conduct we expect each user to adhere to in order to help us develop an online forum and community on our Site which all users may enjoy.

By using our Site you are agreeing to be bound by these Community Guidelines and our Terms of Use.

If we believe, at our sole discretion, that a user's behaviour is likely to cause offence or harm to other users or us, or is otherwise unacceptable, we may issue that user with a warning, disable their registration and/or terminate or otherwise restrict their access to and use of this Site. In addition, we may need to remove any User Content which they have uploaded or posted up on the Site.

We are not responsible or liable for the conduct of any person who uses our Site or for any loss or damage suffered as a result of the use of our Site.

We ask that in using this site you show respect for other users and the property of others.



Do welcome new members.

Do help others. We're a community and it works best when members help each other out.

Do behave in a respectful manner to all other users.

Do make sure you are posting in the right forum, especially if you have a question.

Do realise that some areas of our Site may be oriented toward parents and guardians to access with children or young people. Please be mindful, considerate and respectful toward children or young people who may access areas of the Site with their parent or guardian.

Do remember your online manners. Please refrain from posting in capital letters and adding excessive empty space between your words and sentences.

Do upload User Content which is an original work created by you.

Do keep you password and access details secret.

Do follow the terms regarding User Content in part 7 of the Terms and Conditions.
Do respect information you obtain on our Site and use it only in accordance with the Community Guidelines and the Terms of Use.

Do express yourself. Share your thoughts, opinions and stories. Do make the most of our Site.


Don't accuse other users of members of "stealing" or "scamming". If you have a suspicion, email us at and we will look into it for you.

Don't post anything racist, abusive, obscene, bullying, harassing, demeaning, defamatory, pornographic, intimidating or threatening messages on the message boards or Site.

Don't or stalk or violate the rights of others including individuals' privacy rights.

Don't post on behalf of a deleted or barred user or register as or on behalf of anyone else, impersonate anyone else, seek to take on a false identity or misrepresent yourself, your identity or your age.

Don't flood message boards or use our Site to send any chain letters, junk mail, 'spamming' material or any other form of bulk communication.

Don't restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Message Boards or Site.

Don't share any information which is confidential to any other person.

Don't not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access to the site, any part of it or any private or user account areas.

Don't obtain or seek to obtain personal information, confidential information or passwords from any other person.

Don't post or make available any financial information (such as account, credit or debit card details) or information which identifies an individual personally or is capable of identifying an individual personally (such as names, phone numbers, email addresses or postal addresses) .

Don't circumvent or attempt to circumvent any filters we may use on our Site.

Don't do anything which will or might damage, interfere with, disrupt access to, overburden, interrupt or impair the functionality of our Site, the Content, the User Content or any other material available on our Site.


Please get a parent's or guardian's permission before taking part in any community on our Site. You are not permitted to register on the Site. Never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else (for example, school, telephone number, your full name, teachers' names, parents' or guardians' names, home address or email address).

Never agree to meet anyone you have "met" online.

Never send your picture over the Internet without checking with your parents, guardians or another adult first. Don't answer mean or rude messages or messages asking for personal information. If you do receive a message like that, tell your parents, guardian or another adult you trust immediately.

Bloodline Detectives
Monday 21 October
Hidden In America
Monday 21 October
Horror Homes
Saturday 19 October
Judge Judy
Tonight on Reality at 20:00

Series 21, Episode 250.
Punchy reality show about a female judge that has made a real impact on the American justice system. Judge Judy is real, honest and keen to get to the bottom of emotional cases.