Monday 23rd December at 21:00
This series invites audiences into the intriguing realm of crime-solving with Steve Keogh, a detective with 30 years of experience, 12 of those as a top-tier murder detective.
This series invites audiences into the intriguing realm of crime-solving with Steve Keogh, a detective with 30 years of experience, 12 of those as a top-tier murder detective.
NEXT EPISODES ON CBS REALITY Series 1, Episode 1 - Monday 23 December - 21:00
Series 1, Episode 2 - Tuesday 24 December - 21:00
Series 1, Episode 3 - Wednesday 25 December - 21:00
Series 1, Episode 4 - Thursday 26 December - 21:00
Series 1, Episode 5 - Friday 27 December - 21:00